Thursday, June 22, 2006

Episode One,
He’s not drunk. He’s just OK, twirling his glass. He loves the color of this scotch, the smoky fragrance and the ice cubes, dancing around inside this fine Glenlivet.
He closes his eyes and imagines himself being those ice cubes. She gets smoother, tastier and somehow better, like this single malt, as he’s melting away inside of her.
He takes a sip, closes his eyes one more time and enjoys, as the scotch warms his throat down to his stomach. It tastes great, so does life!

Episode Two,
He’s still there and he’s still twirling his glass. The sound of the ice cubes inside an empty old fashion glass sooths him. He closes his eyes…again.
Now, she’s just like these shrunk ice cubes. They’re both melting away to something that doesn’t make him feel any better anymore.
“Do you want another glass of that Sir?”
“No thanks…just a double espresso… and the bill…please”
He continues twirling. It makes the ice cubes melt faster but he, just likes the sound.

Episode Three,
Another day, another bar, the same man. Well, almost the same.
“What can I serve you Sir”
He thinks…he clears his throat and says: