Saturday, May 20, 2006

Proud ass-washer’s nation!

The first and the foremost concern of every Iranian girl that I’ve seen who was supposed to go out with a non-Iranian man for the first time, and far ahead of all those cultural differences and language barriers, simply was the fact that they don’t wash their asses!

I suppose the opposite concern holds at the other side of the table, since almost every non-Iranian girl who’s come to my apartment for the first time, wanted to know what the hell the sprinkler is doing in my bathroom!

Our argument is that their asses wouldn’t be clean enough without being washed thoroughly by water and theirs, well, they prefer to leave their asses crappy but their hands clean.

Anyway, the fact that they start to wash or we start to quit is one important indicator of who’s the boss in the relationship!

But how clean is clean enough? According to one of my friends, after you washed, you should be able to hear the squeaking sound when you rub your finger on it! What’s your criterion?


Anonymous said...


YOu know to my knowledge..this whole ass wiping doesn't happen here...because showers happen here every day! so instead of showring once a week and washing his ass after every poop...he wipes and showers everyday?!
That's what i thought this was all about! Cause.. i don't remember showering everyday being a big deal in Iran!?

strange...I just realized I have never dated an iranian guy...but i also never thought about this whole ass situation either!


Anonymous said...

Dude, now I can proudly say I am an americanized Iranian. Back in Iran, I always had problems with removing the tomato skin off my hand after washing my butt-hole! Here in America, toilet paper does it for ya. Jallal-khalegh

Takinson said...

How come you still haven't adopted to the ass wiping system?! I feel so uncomfortable opening that stream of water on my ass whenever I go to Iran.

Marjan said...

My Canadian boyfriend was cleaner than all the Iranian guys i ever dated.
Also there is a solution for dirty hand... it's called baby wipes!

Sooski said...

Well I agree with your criteria. But I guess since Canadian men don't have as much hair around their asses the situation is automatically better than it is for the Iranian men.
But it's a good point to think about anyways...
I have been with both Canadian and Iranian men... At least Canadians take shower twice a day! :)

Anonymous said...

If I go for a poo, and don't have a Aftabe handy, I wouldn't go to bed with someone afterward until I take a shower.
Here comes the problem. Imagine I have a Canadian boyfriend who has to go (poo). He can't take shower at my place. Should I go to bed with this guy or should I ask him to leave and come back when his peristalsis is impaired. I simply can't do neither. Therefore I can't date Canadians.
This is no offence to Canadians. I have no doubt that Canadians generally care about their hygiene way more than Iranians. Their shower habit as other people said is more frequent than Iranians. It's just that I can't handle this one situation.

Anonymous said...

no offence! but I have a question. daily shower is definitly a main part of north american life style which long time ago captured the world in cluding Iran. may I ask which Iranian guys( who don`t take daily shower) you are talking about? why do you think Iranian guy usually don`t care about that?

Anonymous said...

Fucking bullshit, I Can not stand iranian girls because they are mentaly so inactive. They want to be treated like queens but in return they do not want to give any shit back. The real question is not you washing your ass or dick or you leave it unwashed... the real question is they want to know if they can control you or not, if yes then good luck, if not, they you are a "koon-Nashor" asshole

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you guys living in Canada, but in japan fortunately this problem has been solved long time ago by washlets. You, lady or gentleman, just need to push a button and then give your ass hole to a smooth flow of water. It will do it for you better than any aftabeh and finger meanwhile you can always ensure your girl that, your hand is as clean as a canadian and your hole as clean as an Iranian.

Anonymous said...

Taaze ... I think some of washlet even dry your ass as well!

Anonymous said...

taaze ... I think some of those washlet dry your ass as well!!

Anonymous said...

You guys must be really into rimming or something. It's just shit for pete's sake! You can wash it off! Roodarbaysti even with your lover?