Saturday, April 01, 2006

Trojan horse and public illiteracy

I remember when I went to see the movie “Troy”, I got so frustrated. It wasn’t just because they’d squeezed a ten years war into a less than two weeks combat or they’d totally ignored the whole concept of Achilles’ immortality, or the fact that they’d censored Achilles and Patroclus love affair for the sake of the American homophobic audience. The reason of my frustration was, as the movie went on and the Trojans accepted the horse and etc (as I hope you know the story! :)), when Greeks jumped out of the horse, Paris and his army were not the only individuals who got surprised, but a good portion of the audience were accompanied them with a “Waaaaaaaaoooo” Sound!
And I was like “It’s obvious that you don’t read, but did any of you go to school at the some point or what?!!”
Well, considering the fact that Canadians and specially Montrealers are considered quite knowledgeable in North America, and they really are, you can figure out the rest!

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