I don’t know if it’s the nostalgic mood of “Les poupées rousses”, which is the continuation of L’auberge espagnole’s story, or just a regular Sunday afternoon but I can’t stop thinking that only a year ago, I had the best people in the world around me. Form Kasra’s relentless efforts to gather everybody in one of the St-Laurent’s clubs on Saturday nights to Sunday afternoon’s tea and ghalyoon in “Gitana” with Leili, from tasting delicious roasted pork and horrendous Chinese pastry with Joubin in Chinatown to watching intellectual movies and talking about them for hours with Siamak. From playing Tennis with my best friend Ali and then laughing about almost everything in the world, to Kamool’s stupid comments and Maryam’s delcious “Khoresh Gheime”, from celebrating every Persian ceremony chez Azadeh to nearly every night’s discussions and laughers over an almost friendly Hokm, one of the best chapters of my life is so intertwined with you guys that without you, I can hardly enjoy this city anymore and I’m looking forward to Arash and Mana’s wedding to bring all of us together one more time, just like the movie “Les poupées rousses”!
Today, Montreal was as beautiful as can be, but I really miss our “L’auberge Montréalaise”!
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