Saturday, July 22, 2006

Please accept the apology!

Israel’s ambassador to UN: “We’re doing the people of Lebanon a favor. Most of them don’t like Hezb-Ollah and appreciate what we’re doing!”

I heard it, 2 minutes ago from BBC with my own ears!

Well, Mr ambassador, Lebanese are busy, burying their dead children, otherwise, they would thank you in person. Please accept the apology!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wazsn't able to read newspaper for few deays...
Here what I read on "le monde"

"Toute personne qui se trouve encore au Liban sud est liée au Hezbollah. Nous avons appelé tous ceux qui s'y trouvent à partir"

Benjamin Ben Eliezer, a renchéri, arguant que"ceux qui sont restés dans leurs villages prennent délibéremment le risque de mourir".

It's just discusting...