Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Miracle of Plastic Shoes

I was about to forgive the Flip-flops for the disaster they were; only out of respect to the shear number of beautiful feet- and their corresponding legs- they carried through out these past couple of years; that suddenly another catastrophe of taste hit the market…Plastic shoes!

I’m still trying to digest the ingenuity of the marketing gurus who forced women all around the globe to match their carefully picked clothes with those blue and green rubber crap which less than a year ago, according to Bill Maher, “Only pre-schoolers and mental patients would wear!”

But on the other hand, what should we wear considering the kind of music we listen to, the sort of movie we watch, the taste of food we eat and the style of houses we inhabit?!

I mean, character-less apartments with windows facing some concrete walls, McDonald’s double cheeseburger, Hip-hop so called music and Transformers and pirate of Caribbean as entertainments! What could have possibly come next?! Well, Plastic shoes…maybe!


SG said...

transformers ruled

SG said...

transformers ruled ^ 3

Lulufar said...

My window faces a concrete wall ! I don't think anyone chooses to have a concrete wall as a view , but sometimes your options are limited.
I know you're quoting someone, but the quote is a pure crap. Mental patients used to wear them? Um... when exactly? It was surgeons who wore them (and still do), because the shoes are very very comfy and ridiculously light. Have you tried them on? I don't see not-looking-sexy as a good reason to avoid wearing very comfortable shoes; especially since most women's shoes (specifically sexy ones) are more like carrying a chastity belt around your feet.

Mehrad said...

I'm just happy to see you alive ;)

Shadan said...

can't care less if they don't look sexy... god bless my green crocs! heh! i'd wear them "again" next time i visit u in montreal!