Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Long live The Capitalism!

First of all, I like the show very much. I think it’s smart, funny and well-executed and unlike these days’s stupid popular shows like “Grey’s Anatomy”, which is nothing but a late night colorful soap opera, it has something to say and something to watch.
It’s amazing that how intelligently; they’ve gathered almost all common interests of an ordinary woman in one series, without compromising its quality. But that’s not what I wanted to write about.
Anybody remembers "Peter Weir's" “The Truman Show”? How they made a live show just to place products inside and to advertise them in a subtle fashion?
Well to me, Sex and the city, is the smartest and yet the most blatant real-case product placement that has ever appeared on TV, from “Swear to Channel!” phrase to unstoppable raving about how wearing Manolo Blahnik’s shoes gives a girl self confidence!. But that’s not all, pay attention to all the places- bars, clubs and restaurants- which are being promoted by Carrie or Samantha, not only uttering their names but also their approximate locations, accompanied by a colorful shot from the insides and some comments about how hip they are or how difficult it is to get a reservation or a membership. To this, add some more subtle ads like the slow movement of camera over the Apple’s logo on Carrie’s Laptop whenever she’s writing something and I think you’ll get the picture.

Next time you watch Sex and the city, try to count how many ads you’re being fed, in a half an hour show! It’s simply amazing!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blog and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

azizam, I loved your blog up until now but making a comment about a show you’ve only seen once or twice is not really fair, considering the fact that it's one my favourite shows...Grey's anatomy is also very smart. it’s not only about Doctors, nurses and patients sleeping together but it shows a lot of different characters and how they deal with everyday life situations and relationships…believe me you watch that show a few times and you’re gonna be surprised how smart it is…just try it…

Anonymous said...

Trueman show is the best example for sex and the city. It's very wise though... see, Soap operas were made to advertise soaps in between the program; But sex and the city is intrinsically an "ad-series"... it's kind of revolutionary. Well, I guess we always had movies that threw apple mac. or BMW to you face, but a series that throws 3 product a week to your brain, without you realising it, is really genius (genius?!).

Anonymous said...

all you said about sex and the city...true. BUT it's still a well written show. It's a GOOD show. and i stand by that...ya! My favourite is Charlette anyway! :]

Marjan said...

I am a big fan of Sex and the city and grey's anatomy. I like them because they have something to say specially sex and the city. Those four women behavior and their point of view are unique and empowering to others. It might look shallow but whenever I'm down, one episode of sex and the city is better than any antidepressant. I don't care if they shove all sort of product to the viewers face because this is the way they make money in most of TV series.