Friday, May 26, 2006

The plague of the pop culture!

Funny, hilarious Jon Stewart, remember him?
I remember how happy I got when he deservedly received the Emmy award for the second time in a row and became the host of the Academy awards. Well, maybe I shouldn’t have, if I’d known the popularity will reduce him from a bright intellectual with an exceptional sense of humor to a mediocre joker who does anything to keep the now-a- much-wider audience happy.

What happened to those deep, sarcastic, layered jokes and harsh critics and politically incorrect (sorry Bill!) comments?

For god’s sake! to become understandable for the main stream, I suppose, he’s even simplified the vocabulary he uses, compare to a year ago or so.

This Jon Stewart is way too different than the guy who kicked Tucker Carlson’s ass in that famous Crossfire’s episode. This Jon is shallow, ball less and much too politically correct, with the humor that is more suitable for Shaggy dog, than Daily show.

Now, with Woody Allen has quit being Woody Allen and preferred to become a second hand version of Hitchcock/Dostoyevsky, and with Bill Maher has taken his vacation till the end of August, does anybody know any comedian who has anything more to say than cheap sexual or gay jokes, making fun of blonds and nagging about women?!

I missed the old Jon Stewart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree. I don't think he did a good job at the Oscars either(except for that Clooney joke).