Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Revelation of the very last remaining brain cell

If God and Saints get credit for victories, they should be equally blamed for defeats!

I mean, why the hell, every time we win a football match, they rave about how the triumph was specifically related to the assistance from “God” , “Faateme Zahra!” or “A’emme ie Athaar!” but when we lose, they just dismiss the coach and destroy Ali Daei’s properties?!

I don’t mind if you want to praise your Lord for every trivial achievement but at least, after a humiliating defeat, have the guts to show your dissatisfaction to him by doing something outrageous like… not praying for couple of days… or having pork chops with Vodka… or simply use your brain for a while!

P.S. Having sex with your domestic animals doesn’t count! It’s almost allowed!

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